Rail Breaks

We have been booking breaks by rail for our clients for many years and our advisors are very experienced in this area.

Whether you are looking for a break to London to take in a show, a trip to Edinburgh to see the sights or simply a trip to one of the UK’s cities to enjoy the shopping and nightlife, let us book your rail-inclusive break to get you there.

Combining rail travel with hotel stays often means you pay much less for your journey than if you had booked these separately. Take a look through our selection of rail breaks and call us or fill out the content form with your requirements.

Why book with Tates Travel?

Because we have been selling holidays for over 50 years – and been an ABTA member for over 30 – we have the experience and knowledge to find the best holiday for you. In addition to this, as well as the financial protection booking with us offers, there are other reasons to book with us...